
pydantic model ClassicComputerGroup

Represents a computer group record returned by the list_computer_groups() and get_computer_group_by_id() operations.

When returned by list_computer_groups only id, name and is_smart will be populated.

When exporting to XML for a POST/PUT operation, the SDK by default will only include name, is_smart, site, and criteria. To bypass this behavior export the model using xml() before pasting to the API operation.

field id: int | None = None
field name: str | None = None
field is_smart: bool | None = None
field site: ClassicSite | None = None
field criteria: List[ClassicCriterion] | None = None
field computers: List[ClassicComputerGroupMember] | None = None
model_post_init(context: Any, /) None

We need to both initialize private attributes and call the user-defined model_post_init method.

  • self (BaseModel)

  • context (Any)

Return type:
