Webhooks Client

class WebhooksClient(url: str, max_concurrency: int = 10)

A client for simulating webhooks to an HTTP server.

  • url (str) – The full URL the client will send webhooks to. Include the scheme, port, and path.

  • max_concurrency (int) – The maximum number of connections the client will make when sending webhooks to the given URL (defaults to 10).

send_webhook(webhook: WebhookModel) Response

Send a single webhook in an HTTP POST request to the configured URL.


webhook (WebhookModel) – The webhook object that will be serialized to JSON.


Requests Response object

Return type:


fire(webhook: Type[WebhookModel], count: int = 1) Iterator[Response]

Send one or more randomized webhooks to the configured URL using a webhook model. This method will automatically make the requests concurrently up to the configured max concurrency.

  • webhook (Type[webhooks.WebhookModel]) – A webhook model. This must be the type and not an instantiated object.

  • count (int) – The number of webhook events to send (defaults to 1).


An iterator that will yield Requests Response object objects.

Return type:
