Webhook Receiver Example using FastAPI

The SDK’s webhook models use Pydantic which is compatible with FastAPI for request validation.

Installation Requirements

(.venv) % pip install fastapi 'uvicorn[standard]'

The App

Create a file called main.py and copy the contents below.

This is a basic webhook receiver that only processes mobile device enrollment events. There is a single route at the root of the server / that will accept HTTP POST requests with JSON bodies. JSON is the default input/output for FastAPI apps and there is no extra configuration needed. The use of typing.Union allows multiple models to be accepted for the route.

from typing import Union

from fastapi import FastAPI
from jamf_pro_sdk.models.webhooks import MobileDeviceEnrolled, MobileDeviceUnEnrolled

app = FastAPI()

AllowedWebhooks = Union[MobileDeviceEnrolled, MobileDeviceUnEnrolled]

def receive_webhook(webhook: AllowedWebhooks):
    print(f"Webhook received for device {webhook.event.udid}")

To learn more about FastAPI read the First Steps tutorial.

Run the App

The uvicorn command will run the server. Using will allow access using the IP address of the host running the app. To only test locally use

(.venv) % uvicorn main:app --host --port 80
INFO:     Started server process [71338]
INFO:     Waiting for application startup.
INFO:     Application startup complete.
INFO:     Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

Test Using Webhooks Client

Now that the receiver is running you can send test events using the wehooks client.

>>> from jamf_pro_sdk.clients.webhooks import WebhooksClient
>>> from jamf_pro_sdk.models.webhooks import ComputerAdded, MobileDeviceEnrolled
>>> client = WebhooksClient("")
>>> client.fire(MobileDeviceEnrolled)
>>> client.fire(ComputerAdded)

In the logs for the receiver you will see the requests being processed.

Webhook received for device 6A331227-7BC9-44CD-901F-D719F460CE21
INFO: - "POST / HTTP/1.1" 200 OK
INFO: - "POST / HTTP/1.1" 422 Unprocessable Entity

Note that the ComputerAdded event was rejected. Use of models for validation will ensure only allowed and correctly formatted webhook events are processed by the server.