Webhook Event ValidationΒΆ

The Jamf Pro SDK includes Pydantic models for validating JSON webhook events. These models can be imported and used without instantiating the Jamf Pro client.


XML webhooks are not supported by the SDK.

Take this example ComputerAdded event:

    "webhook": {
        "eventTimestamp": 1685313891,
        "id": 1,
        "name": "New Computer Webhook",
        "webhookEvent": "ComputerAdded"
    "event": {
        "alternateMacAddress": "00:67:31:80:18:80",
        "building": "",
        "department": "",
        "deviceName": "Zach's MacBook Pro",
        "emailAddress": "zach@example.org",
        "ipAddress": "",
        "jssID": 2,
        "macAddress": "1c:bd:27:12:ad:6a",
        "model": "MacBookPro18,3",
        "osBuild": "22E772610a",
        "osVersion": "13.3.1 (a)",
        "phone": "690.741.7883x61304",
        "position": "Founder",
        "realName": "Zach",
        "reportedIpAddress": "",
        "room": "",
        "serialNumber": "MSMDVUC1HB",
        "udid": "B6AC3528-474D-48A1-887C-7ABA3661C226",
        "userDirectoryID": "",
        "username": "zach"

It can be validated using the same name model, and then the fields accessed through dot notation (the same as the response objects from the Jamf Pro client).

>>> import json
>>> from jamf_pro_sdk.models.webhooks import ComputerAdded
>>> event_data = json.loads(event_body)
>>> validated_event = ComputerAdded(**event_data)
>>> validated_event.webhook
ComputerAddedWebhook(eventTimestamp=1685313891, id=1, name='New Computer Webhook', webhookEvent='ComputerAdded')
>>> validated_event.event.ipAddress